Garden District & Voodoo Cemetery tours

“Found out about Historic New Orleans Tours from a flyer at the airport. Decided to take advantage of an unexpectedly beautiful Sept day with low humidity and temps around 80 to see if I could get on the Garden District tour that afternoon. Frank was an AMAZING guide. We started off a few minutes late to wait for late arrivals, and then picked up a couple more folks at Lafayette cemetery, but it still remained a small group of less than 10. This meant lots of time for questions and to listen to Frank’s encyclopedic knowledge of history, architecture, and lore enthusiastically told with his love of New Orleans. We were all having such a great time, we ran a bit over the usual tour time. Frank kept letting people know they could leave if they needed to, but most of us stayed and he wasn’t in any hurry to shoo us off. I was so impressed that I looked up other tours once I got back to my hotel and met up with my friend.

We decided to sign up for the Voodoo Cemetery tour for the next day, and were fortunate to get Dave as our guide. A bit larger group combined with heavy restrictions within St Louis cemetery meant less time for lingering (too bad vandals have to ruin things for the rest of us!). Dave did a great job wrangling our group, regaling us with his extensive knowledge, and leaving us awed by the real history of New Orleans which is far more interesting to me than the touristy ghost stories. He also took care to find us shady spots where possible as it started to get hot during the 2nd hour of the tour. Good to know: This tour does include an air-conditioned pit stop near the end. But you’ll still want to have a bottle of water and a hat or umbrella for shade.

I’ve taken the “vampire and ghost” tours, which were certainly fun. But if you want the real thing – go with this company. They will talk about the myths, but in context of how these things may have come to be. Can’t wait to go back to NOLA and take more of these tours!”

– Allison M, New York City, New York