Incredible Tour Guide – Nita! You are simply an amazing lady!

“This tour is worth every penny if you have Nita as your tour guide. This was my first time in New Orleans and feel truly blessed to have had her as my tour guide. I learned so much about New Orleans in a period of two hours and wish that history teachers could be as good as her. She has an amazing personality, goes into every detail, answers any type of question, knows everyone around the area and definitely a living encyclopedia. My whole birthday experience in New Orleans was worth it because of her. If you have a chance to book in advance, definitely book a tour of the Garden District with Nita. Just in case, if you are coming in the summer, make sure that you wear a hat, walk in comfortable shoes, bring tons of water and definitely wear sunscreen. It is quite hot during the summer times. Nita, btw, I am still thinking about those .25 cents martinis lol!”

– Boris E, Harrisonburg, Virginia