With Mardi Gras canceled, New Orleans homes are being decorated as floats: The best of Yardi Gras

https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/mardi-gras-canceled-orleans-homes-235300670.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKUdhR9alEhOR_rFAuc0GuTQ-X1xfcAOMs9nCOIHUQuUe3e88N4ZktlGp9m4GeEzaaFSvL3aHEsYBuW8NdVvpOZP4EhzYaxRo8IM5UrkOopWI3gQtZsd11E-pma_jhSjIAtBzaYh0guDIgelPMuI4MR1biih5Oxv96bcIhj3jMvt With Mardi Gras canceled, New Orleans homes are being decorated as floats: The best of Yardi Gras   Patrick Gomez Tue, February 16, 2021 Susan Whelan Yardi Gras in…

Continue ReadingWith Mardi Gras canceled, New Orleans homes are being decorated as floats: The best of Yardi Gras

Homes in New Orleans are decorated for a markedly different Mardi Gras, one defined by the pandemic.

Homes in New Orleans are decorated for a markedly different Mardi Gras, one defined by the pandemic.   https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/13/business/new-orleans-float-artists-mardi-gras.html   https://www.tourneworleans.com Akasha Rabut for The New York Times Homes in…

Continue ReadingHomes in New Orleans are decorated for a markedly different Mardi Gras, one defined by the pandemic.